
Bruce Naman / Jan Livingstone

Overzichtstentoonstelling Bruce Nauman. Werk van negentienvijfenzestig tot negentientweeenzeventig

Stiff illustrated wrappers. Most black & white and some color illustrations and plates. Short biography, bibliography, list of performances and exhibitions. Text in Dutch. 168 pp. 24 x 20 cm.

Van Abbemuseum
, Eindhoven
Very good condition
As new jacket
First edition


Bruce Naman / Jan Livingstone

Overzichtstentoonstelling Bruce Nauman. Werk van negentienvijfenzestig tot negentientweeenzeventig

Van Abbemuseum
, Eindhoven

Stiff illustrated wrappers. Most black & white and some color illustrations and plates. Short biography, bibliography, list of performances and exhibitions. Text in Dutch. 168 pp. 24 x 20 cm.

Book ID: 002602