Richard Hamilton, Dieter Roth


Richard Hamilton, Dieter Roth

The Rotham Certificates - Suite Two

Map with 37 postcards with color illustrations and 3 text cards in English, German and Spanish. Edition of 1000 copies. Front cover of map with vague traces of removed sticker. 15 x10,5 cm.

Galeria Cadaques / Edition Hansjorg Mayer
, Gerona / Stuttgart
Very good condition
First edition


Richard Hamilton, Dieter Roth

The Rotham Certificates - Suite Two

Galeria Cadaques / Edition Hansjorg Mayer
, Gerona / Stuttgart

Map with 37 postcards with color illustrations and 3 text cards in English, German and Spanish. Edition of 1000 copies. Front cover of map with vague traces of removed sticker. 15 x10,5 cm.

Book ID: 2510