
Martens, Karel

Reprint - Karel Martens

Soft cover with double folded dust jacket. Color illustrations by Karel Martens. Published on the occasion of an exhibition of Karel Martens’ work at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. With essays by David Bennewith and Robin Kinross. 83 pp. 24 x 17 cm.

Roma Publicatons
, Amsterdam
Fine condition
First edition


Martens, Karel

Reprint - Karel Martens

Roma Publicatons
, Amsterdam

Soft cover with double folded dust jacket. Color illustrations by Karel Martens. Published on the occasion of an exhibition of Karel Martens’ work at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. With essays by David Bennewith and Robin Kinross. 83 pp. 24 x 17 cm.

Book ID: 2971